Is good
We been victimized since the FedReserve Act of 1913 was signed. The day the banksters completely took over the nation was a dark horrible day. Same criminals like those resp forUSSR crimes to.You all ruined this country since FedRes took over the real criminals on top that are also antlNationalist and Antichristlan antlPatriot hypocrites calling bad good.You guys who are the real criminal supremlsts will be the ones facing consequences along with the migrants you cater to more!
very dissapointed. Does not informed any bank robbery from Florida in November or December. No wonder the robbers are loving stealing from Miami.
I reconized the Bank.Robber from Safeway in Tempe Arizona saw him at Wal-Mart on Baseline Road when I was returning a Laptop
Can not figure it out
Need this app badly , but sincerely can't get it to download,and after so many cases solved perhaps , what truly happened to wanted sexual offenders list.can I expect a regular gmail @ google about earned rewards and their status or am I just stuck a little bit, while missing persons persist and fugitives run Mohammed's ally figure residence(secret service) dea resident could (really) use a smaller styled report about my rewards.thanks.get back to me as soon as CIA/secret service can
Very good application..
Thanks to this FBI app I have been able to indentified and Cath a wanted person.
The app doesn't work on Android 10
No much on here